Data Mining
Are you a researcher working on a new model for computing sentiment? Do you want to detect how information propagates through news media? Would you like to build a methodology to detect fake news? For these and many other use cases we can provide you the learning data that you can then use in your research.

Contextual News for Enhanced Market Strategies
Speed is essential for different market strategies. But thousands of articles appear every day and financial firms often require additional context to react appropriately. Not every event is as important to your firm’s strategy as the next. And not every event hits the media in the exactly same way.
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Large archive and extensive search options
When you are building your data models, you typically need a lot of learning data. We can definitely provide you with that. Our databases contain news articles published by over 150.000 news sources and our archive goes back to January 2014. When analyzing data you also want to make sure that it’s exactly the data that you want. For that purpose we offer an incredible number of search filters that allow you to specify exactly which news articles you want to retrieve. These search filters among others include searching by keyword, concept, category, source, source location, language, date, and sentiment.
Retrieve extensive article meta-data
When analyzing news data you might need various details about each news article. We can provide a very rich set of article meta-data. Some of the returned details are provided by the news source and include article title, body, image, date of publication, author, url, source information, and mentioned external links and videos. Additionally, we compute several properties, such as sentiment score, list of mentioned concepts and topics, number of shares of the article on different social media and the ID of the event, to which the article belongs.
Event identification
If you are looking to analyze information propagation, fake news or related tasks, you can make use of our event detection. News API is able to automatically find and group articles that are covering the same event. In this way, all the articles that are discussing the same thing that occurred are grouped into a unit that we call an event and you can use the API to search for events and retrieve all articles about a particular event, likely even in multiple languages. Retrieving the events is perfect when you need to get a complete coverage of a particular incident or thing that happened. Instead of manually searching for related articles, you can find them all in one place.
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Effortless Integration
Out API is very easy to integrate and provides great documentation with examples. Simply use the sandbox to generate code that you can directly deploy in your application.