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Best news API for your product
Easy to integrate news API that you can use in your products and services to obtain access to real-time as well as archive news content.

World’s leading companies and institutions are using
Get articles from 150,000 news publishers worldwide
Get the full news content as well as information about the mentioned entities, topics and sentiment. Filter using any of the available properties to get the content you need.
Explore the docs
Latest news about Bitcoin
Latest news about Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin in English language
Natural Disasters
Events describing natural disasters that happened in United States
News about Apple Inc.
News about Apple Inc. reported by top business related news sources, sorted by relevance
German or Spanish news about football
German or Spanish articles about football sorted by number of shares on social media
News about Refugees
News about Refugees published by news sources located in Germany, sorted by source importance
from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
iter = QueryArticlesIter(
keywords = QueryItems.OR(["Bitcoin", "Ethereum", "Litecoin"]),
lang = "eng")
for art in iter.execQuery(er,
sortBy = "date",
maxItems = MAX_RESULTS,
returnInfo = ReturnInfo(
articleInfo = ArticleInfoFlags(
concepts = True,
categories = True)
# do something with the article
from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
iter = QueryEventsIter(
categoryUri = er.getCategoryUri("natural disasters"),
locationUri = er.getLocationUri("United States"))
for event in iter.execQuery(er, maxItems = MAX_RESULTS):
# do something with the event
from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
iter = QueryArticlesIter(
conceptUri = er.getConceptUri("Apple"),
sourceGroupUri = er.getSourceGroupUri("business top100"))
for art in iter.execQuery(er,
sortBy = "rel",
maxItems = MAX_RESULTS):
# do something with the article
from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
iter = QueryArticlesIter(
conceptUri = er.getConceptUri("football"),
lang = QueryItems.OR(["deu", "spa"]))
for art in iter.execQuery(er,
sortBy = "socialScore",
maxItems = MAX_RESULTS,
returnInfo = ReturnInfo(
articleInfo = ArticleInfoFlags(
socialScore = True,
concepts = True,
categories = True))):
# do something with the article
from eventregistry import *
er = EventRegistry(apiKey = YOUR_API_KEY)
iter = QueryArticlesIter(
conceptUri = er.getConceptUri("refugee"),
sourceLocationUri = er.getLocationUri("Germany"),
lang = QueryItems.OR(["deu", "spa"]))
for art in iter.execQuery(er,
sortBy = "sourceAlexaGlobalRank",
sortByAsc = True,
maxItems = MAX_RESULTS):
# do something with the article
var request = require('request');
url: "/api/v1/article/getArticles",
qs: {
resultType: "articles",
keyword: ["Bitcoin","Ethereum","Litecoin"],
keywordOper: "or",
lang: "eng",
articlesSortBy: "date",
includeArticleConcepts: true,
includeArticleCategories: true,
apiKey: "API_KEY",
function(error, response, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
var request = require('request');
url: "/api/v1/event/getEvents",
qs: {
resultType: "events",
categoryUri: "dmoz/Science/Earth_Sciences/Natural_Disasters_and_Hazards",
locationUri: "",
apiKey: "API_KEY",
function(error, response, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
var request = require('request');
url: "/api/v1/article/getArticles",
qs: {
resultType: "articles",
conceptUri: "http,
sourceGroupUri: "business/top100",
articlesSortBy: "rel",
apiKey: "API_KEY",
function(error, response, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
var request = require('request');
url: "/api/v1/article/getArticles",
qs: {
resultType: "articles",
conceptUri: "http,
lang: ["deu","spa"],
articlesSortBy: "socialScore",
includeArticleSocialScore: "true",
includeArticleConcepts: true,
includeArticleCategories: true,
apiKey: "API_KEY",
function(error, response, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
var request = require('request');
url: "/api/v1/article/getArticles",
qs: {
resultType: "articles",
conceptUri: ""
sourceLocationUri: ""
articlesSortBy: "sourceAlexaGlobalRank",
articlesSortByAsc: "true",
apiKey: "API_KEY",
function(error, response, body) {
body = JSON.parse(body);
The News API pipeline
News API uses state-of-the-art services for identifying the available article meta-data as well as computing additional information such as mentioned entities, categories, event detection, sentiment and more.
Global content
Access news content published by global news sources in 60+ languages just minutes after it has been published online.
Advanced filtering
Find news content of interest by specifying keywords, people, locations, organizations, topics, news sources, sentiment and more.
Meta-data information
Obtain all available article information as well as mentioned entities, sentiment, topics, shares on social media and more.
Track world’s events
Search world events identified in the news. See coverage of each event by different publishers and in different languages.
Pay per use
Use our News API with a simple pay as you go monthly subscription. Upgrade or downgrade your plan at any time.
News archive
Get access to historical news content published since 2014 by accessing our news database.
Comparison of news API providers
There are plenty of news API providers out there. See below why we think is the best for you. | Other providers | |
Basic Article Data | ||
Title, Body, URL, Publication date We extract the title, body of the article, URL, and the publication date.
Authors We extract the information about the author(s) of the article.
Links from the body We extract the URLs and the anchor text for the links that are provided in the body of the article.
Videos shown in the body We extract the URLs to the videos that are linked inside the body of the article.
Enriched Article Data | ||
Entity recognition and disambiguation We identify and disambiguate the list of people, organizations, locations, and other important concepts mentioned in the article text.
Categorization We compute what are the topics discussed in the text. The article can be associated with one or more topics from a predefined taxonomy of 5000+ topics.
Article clustering (events) We group the articles into events based on the similarity of their content. Events allow us to identify additional articles addressing identical topics or occurrences.
Sentiment We compute what is the sentiment of the text in the article.
Social media score We monitor how many times each of the articles is shared on social media.
(Near) Duplicate detection Articles can be copied or nearly copied by multiple sources. We mark if an article is new or a copy of some previously published article.
Publisher ranking For each source we provide additional meta-data such as location and the ranking according to the number of monthly viewers.
Support | ||
Tech support via chat, email and Zoom We are happy to help our clients to get onboard as easily as possible. We provide support over chat, email and video conferences.
Uses for our API
Our News API is used by companies as well as research organizations to fulfill the needs of their use-case. May it be analyzing the content on a particular topic, building a machine learning model or identifying trends, our API can provide you exactly the data you need.
Dynamic News Platform
Supporting a platform that requires real-time news content.
Live News Access
Access to the full stream of news and blogs as they are collected.
Retrieving Past News
Obtain historical content from news sources published since 2014.
Dataset Creation
Build a news or event dataset for further analysis.
Industry Analysis
Extract market trends, analyze specific industry, track competitors and customers.
Virality Analysis
Track news reach and virality of a person, company, product or topic of interest.
Effortless Integration
Out API is very easy to integrate and provides great documentation with examples. Simply use the sandbox to generate code that you can directly deploy in your application.